# # ============================================================================= # This is a template for the plain text part of a RELEASE FROM A QUARANTINE, # applicable if a chosen release format is 'attach' (not 'resend'). # From: %f Date: %d Subject: \[released message\] %j To: [? %#T |undisclosed-recipients:;|[%T|, ]] [? %#C |#|Cc: [%C|, ]] Message-ID: Please find attached a message which was held in a quarantine, and has now been released. [:wrap|78|| |Return-Path: %s[?[:dkim|envsender]|| (OK)]] [:wrap|78|| |From: [:header_field|From][?[:dkim|author]|| (dkim:AUTHOR)]] [? [:header_field|Sender]|#|\ [:wrap|78|| |Sender: [:header_field|Sender]\ [?[:dkim|sender]|| (dkim:SENDER)]]] # [? %m |#|[:wrap|78|| |Message-ID: %m]] # [? %r |#|[:wrap|78|| |Resent-Message-ID: %r]] # [? [:useragent] |#|[:wrap|78|| |[:useragent]]] [? %j |#|[:wrap|78|| |Subject: %j]] Our internal reference code for the message is %n/%i # [~[:report_format]|["^attach$"]|["[? [:attachment_password] |#| Contents of the attached mail message may pose a threat to your computer or could be a social engineering deception, so it should be handled cautiously. To prevent undesired automatic opening, the attached original mail message has been wrapped in a password-protected ZIP archive. Here is the password that allows opening of the attached archive: [:attachment_password] Note that the attachment is not strongly encrypted and the password is not a strong secret (being displayed in this non-encrypted text), so this attachment is not suitable for guarding a secret contents. The sole purpose of this password protection it to prevent undesired accidental or automatic opening of a message, either by some filtering software, a virus scanner, or by a mail reader. ]"]|]#